Ensure the safety of the children in your organization's care by verifying the identity of the people who pick them up with biometrically-enabled FbF ChildSAFE, part of the FbF Demographica Identity Suite.
FbF ChildSAFE is perfect for full- and part-time childcare centers, including:
- Schools
- Daycare centers
- Churches and other houses of faith
- Gyms and offices with in-house childcare programs
- Athletic programs
- Head Start
With FbF ChildSAFE you can manage the identities of your children, their parents and other authorized caregivers, your employees, and visitors. Because FbF ChildSAFE can
- Guarantee the identity of the people picking up children
- Automatically alert parents whenever a child is picked up
- Print badges for children and visitors
- Track time and attendance of employees or child pick up
- Easily add fields to customize to your organization's unique needs
>your operations will run smoothly, safely, and efficiently
- Eliminate sign-in/sign-out sheets
- Eradicate duplicate records
- Know who is in the facility at all times at a glance
- Improve center productivity and save money on labor costs
To learn more about the FbF Demographica Identity Suite offerings including system requirements and other capabilities please click here.